Saturday, June 17, 2017

Tanaka Face Mask for Whitening

at Ebay US$5.99

What is Thanaka? Make a search and you will have information on it.

Thanaka is a yellowish-white cosmetic paste made from ground bark. It is a distinctive feature of the culture of Myanmar, seen commonly applied to the face and sometimes the arms of women and girls, and is used to a lesser extent also by men and boys.

Source: The wood of several trees may be used to produce thanaka cream; these trees grow abundantly in central Myanmar.

Thanaka cream has been used by Burmese women for over 2000 years. It has a fragrant scent somewhat similar to sandalwood. The creamy paste is applied to the face in attractive designs, the most common form being a circular patch on each cheek, nose, sometimes made stripey with the fingers known as thanaka bè gya, or patterned in the shape of a leaf, often also highlighting the bridge of the nose with it at the same time. It may be applied from head to toe (thanaka chi zoun gaung zoun). Apart from cosmetic beauty, thanaka also gives a cooling sensation and provides protection from sunburn. It is believed to help remove acne and promote smooth skin. It is also an anti-fungal. The active ingredients of thanaka are coumarin and marmesin.

Have personally use this face mask for the past 3 years. It's cooling and soothing. Try using rose water with it to make a paste, instead of just plain water. Oily skin can use witch hazel.

At times, I will wear this face mask and go to sleep. Placing a large towel over my pillow, so as to avoid staining on the pillow.

Yes, it does help me with some acne issues. As for lightening effect, I would say it is very gradual. Takes patience.

Scoop just 1/2 tsp of the powder and mix with water to form a paste and then apply it on your face or body.

Please don't blame the seller for the wrong spelling, since English is not their main language.